Grace Bobber

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"Put simply, Grace Bobber's performance of Janis Joplin's Me and Bobby McGee, Try, and Cry Baby is jaw-dropping."
– Joe De Rosa, Chicago OnStage Review of "Beehive" at the Marriott Theatre
"Grace Bobber... impresses in this production, particularly with her spot-on performance as Janis Joplin. Ms. Bobber's rich alto caresses the lyrics and melodies."
– Colin Douglas, Chicago Theatre Review of "Beehive" at the Marriott Theatre
"The entire ensemble did a superlative job...Some of the outstanding performances featured were supplied by Grace Bobber who is a combustible fireball as Valli’s first wife, Mary Delgado."
– Chris' Corner, Review of "Jersey Boys" at the Lyceum Theatre
"[A] standout cast member [was] velvet-voiced Grace Bobber... who shined in the musical style of the show."
– Scott Gryder, PicksinSix Review of "Hundred Days" at the Chopin Theatre

Hey there, I'm Grace!

I'm an actor, musician, and dancer based in Chicago. My pronouns are she/they. I received my degree in theater and music from Northwestern University. I am represented by Shirley Hamilton Talent, and I am a proud member of Actors’ Equity.

You can stay most up-to-date with my other theater and music endeavors by checking out my Instagram and Youtube pages. Thanks for stopping by!